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Conjugations for 暖かい

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i adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 暖かい

i adjective
  1. warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot (暖かい usu. refers to air temperature)
  2. considerate; kind; genial
  3. warm (of a colour); mellow
  4. having enough money

Definition and Synonyms for 暖かい

Philia a positive feeling of liking
Synonyms: ラブ, ラブい, 優しい, 好き, 好き, 好く, 好意, 情愛, , , 愛い, 愛念, 愛情, 愛着, 慈しみ, 慈しむ, 慈愛, 暖かい, 暖かさ, 暖かみ
Warmth a warmhearted feeling
Synonyms: 思いやり, 思いやる, 暖かい, 暖かさ, 暖かみ
Sympathetic expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings
Synonyms: ウェット, 暖か, 暖かい
Amiable diffusing warmth and friendliness
Synonyms: ねんごろ, 人懐っこい, 優しい, 厚い, 愛想のいい, 懇篤, 懐こい, 懐っこい, 暖か, 暖かい, 親切, 親身
Good-Hearted showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity
Synonyms: 優渥, 寛大, 寛容, 情け深い, 慈悲深い, 懇切, 暖か, 暖かい, 良い, 親身
Affectionate having or displaying warmth or affection
Synonyms: 優しい, 暖か, 暖かい, 温和
Tender given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality
Synonyms: ぬるい, ささやか, 優しい, 暖か, 暖かい, 細やか
Warm having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat
Synonyms: ぬるい, 暖か, 暖かい, , 温和, 温暖, 温順
Warm psychologically warm
Synonyms: ささやか, ねんごろ, 厚い, 手厚い, 暖か, 暖かい, 細やか
Kind agreeable, conducive to comfort
Synonyms: ぬるい, にこやか, 和やか, 暖か, 暖かい, 温和
Warm inducing the impression of warmth
Synonyms: 暖か, 暖かい
Kind having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature
Synonyms: ねんごろ, 世話好き, 優しい, 厚い, 懇篤, 手厚い, 暖か, 暖かい, 親切, 親身
Kindness the quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic
Synonyms: 暖かい, 暖かさ, 暖かみ
Heat the sensation caused by heat energy
Synonyms: 暑い, 暑さ, 暖かい, 暖かさ, 熱い, 熱さ, 熱す, 熱する
Warmness the quality of having a moderate degree of heat
Synonyms: ぬくみ, ぬくもり, 暖かい, 暖かさ, 温む, 温もる
Sympathetic disposed toward
Synonyms: ウェット, 暖か, 暖かい
Kind used especially of persons and their behavior
Synonyms: ねんごろ, 世話好き, 優しい, 厚い, 懇篤, 手厚い, 暖か, 暖かい, 親切, 親身
Warm friendly and responsive
Synonyms: ささやか, ねんごろ, 厚い, 手厚い, 暖か, 暖かい, 細やか
Warm used especially of reds and oranges and yellows
Synonyms: 暖か, 暖かい

Meanings for each kanji in 暖かい

» warmth

Categories 暖かい is a member of

Temperature the somatic sensation of cold or heat
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High Temperature the presence of heat
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Feeling the experiencing of affective and emotional states
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Goodness moral excellence or admirableness
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Caring a loving feeling
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 暖かい

Conjugations for 暖かい

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for 暖かい

A product has been launched that uses the power from the USB to keep hot drinks warm.
It's warm for this time of year.
They will help you to get warm.
It has become much warmer.
The island is warm all year.

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