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i adjective (negative)

Alternate Written Forms:


Matched Conjugations:

Plain Present Indicative Negative Form

Root Words:

[()··ぎ + なくない]
yurugi + nakunai

English Meaning(s) for 揺るぎなくない

i adjective (negative)
  1. solid; firm; steady; unshakeable; unwavering
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the plain present indicative negative form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 揺るぎなくない

Fast unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
Synonyms: まめ, 不抜, 忠実, 揺るぎ無い, 硬い
Solid characterized by good substantial quality
Synonyms: 揺るぎ無い
Steadfast marked by firm determination or resolution
Synonyms: こわい, 強い, 強いる, 強固, 揺るぎ無い, 硬い
Unwavering not showing abrupt variations
Synonyms: 平らか, 平坦, 揺るぎ無い
Steadiness freedom from wavering or indecision
Synonyms: 揺るぎ無い
Firm securely established
Synonyms: 安定した, 強固, 揺るぎ無い, 確か
Firm not subject to revision or change
Synonyms: しっかり, 手ごわい, 手堅い, 手強い, 揺るぎ無い, 硬い, 確か
Steady not subject to change or variation especially in behavior
Synonyms: たゆみない, 堅実, 堅調, 安定した, 定常, 手堅い, 揺るぎ無い, 着実, 規則的
Steadfast not shakable
Synonyms: こわい, 強い, 強いる, 強固, 揺るぎ無い, 硬い
Steadiness constancy of resolve or conduct
Synonyms: 揺るぎ無い

Meanings for each kanji in 揺るぎなくない

» swing; shake; sway; rock; tremble; vibrate

Categories 揺るぎなくない is a member of

Resoluteness the trait of being resolute
Show all words in category »

Stroke Order Diagrams for 揺るぎなくない

Conjugations for 揺るぎなくない

Adjective stem
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Comments for 揺るぎなくない

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