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na adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 快闊

na adjective
  1. cheerful; lively; lighthearted

Definition and Synonyms for 快闊

Racy full of zest or vigor
Synonyms: 快活, 敏活, 活動的, 活発
Spacious very large in expanse or scope
Synonyms: ワイド, 宏遠, 広い, 広闊, 快活, 手広い
Cheerful being full of or promoting cheer
Synonyms: 元気, 快活, 明るい, 明朗, 朗らか, 陽気
Sunny bright and pleasant
Synonyms: 上機嫌, 快活, 朗らか, ご機嫌
Jovially in a jovial manner
Synonyms: 快活
Lively full of life and energy
Synonyms: ぴちぴち, 快活, 敏活, 朗らか, 殷賑, 活動的, 活発, 賑やか, 賑々しい, 陽気
Jolly full of or showing high-spirited merriment
Synonyms: 快活, 賑やか, 陽気
Cheerful having or showing good spirits
Synonyms: 元気, 快活, 明るい, 明朗, 朗らか, 陽気
Sunny promoting a feeling of cheer
Synonyms: 上機嫌, 快活, 朗らか, ご機嫌

Meanings for each kanji in 快闊

» cheerful; pleasant; agreeable; comfortable
» wide

Stroke Order Diagrams for 快闊

Comments for 快闊

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