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English Meaning(s) for 余りに

  1. too much; excessively; too

Definition and Synonyms for 余りに

Overly to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits
Synonyms: あまり, やたら, あまりに, めっぽう, さんざっぱら, あまりといえば, 余る, 無性に, 過剰
Overmuch more than necessary
Synonyms: あまり, あまりに, 余る

Meanings for each kanji in 余りに

» too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder

Stroke Order Diagrams for 余りに

Sample Sentences for 余りに

She was so scared that she couldn't speak.
Too many people are indifferent to politics.
The relationship between Yoshiko and Tokio was far more intimate than the average student-teacher dynamic.
I can't prune this tree. It's too tall.
Women have been resigned to unjust treatment for too long.

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