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Definition and Synonyms for 圧倒
1. | あっ倒 | 超越した力で打ち勝つ |
Overwhelm | overcome by superior force | |
Synonyms: | 圧す, 圧す, 圧する, 圧倒, 押す, 押しまくる, 飲む | |
2. | あっ倒 | 完全に覆うか、感知できなくする |
Submerge | cover completely or make imperceptible | |
Synonyms: | 圧す, 圧す, 圧する, 圧倒, 押す, 飲む | |
3. | 圧倒 | 感情または知覚的な刺激のように、圧倒する |
Whelm | overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli | |
Synonyms: | 圧倒 |
Meanings for each kanji in 圧倒
» | 圧 | pressure; push; overwhelm; oppress; dominate |
» | 倒 | overthrow; fall; collapse; drop; break down |
Categories 圧倒 is a member of
1. | 遣っつける | 競争、レース及び闘争で相手より上手くやる |
Trounce | come out better in a competition, race, or conflict | |
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2. | 押し被せる | 覆うカバーを形成する |
Spread Over | form a cover over | |
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3. | 掻き立てる | (情緒、感情と反応を)引き起こす |
Kindle | call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) | |
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Sample Sentences for 圧倒
He resolutely pushed forward from the start, overwhelming and pushing out his off-balance opponent.
Every time I saw him, I was overcome with his brilliance.
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