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English Meaning(s) for 囲い

  1. enclosure; fence; wall; pen; paling
  2. storage (of fruit, vegetables, etc.)
  3. partitioned area of a room for conducting tea ceremonies
  4. mistress
  5. castle; strong defensive position

Definition and Synonyms for 囲い

Enclosure a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose
Synonyms: 囲い, 囲う, 囲み, 囲む
Fencing a barrier that serves to enclose an area
Synonyms: さく, さく, さくい, フェンス, 囲い, 囲う, , 垣根, 垣牆, , , , 大垣, 斎垣, , , , 障壁, 駒寄せ
Fence Line a boundary line created by a fence
Synonyms: 囲い, 囲う
Kept Woman an adulterous woman
Synonyms: そばめ, めがける, 二号, 二号さん, 側室, 囲い, 囲う, 囲い女, 囲い者, , , , , , 思い者, 情婦, 手つき, 手がける, 手付, 手掛け, 権妻, 色女, 隠し女,
Kept Woman a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man
Synonyms: そばめ, めがける, 二号, 二号さん, 側室, 囲い, 囲う, 囲い女, 囲い者, , , , , , 思い者, 情婦, 手つき, 手がける, 手付, 手掛け, 権妻, 色女, 隠し女,

Meanings for each kanji in 囲い

» surround; besiege; store; paling; enclosure; encircle; preserve; keep

Categories 囲い is a member of

Area a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function
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Barrier a structure or object that impedes free movement
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Borderline a line that indicates a boundary
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Lover a significant other to whom you are not related by marriage
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Adult Female an adult female person (as opposed to a man)
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 囲い

Sample Sentences for 囲い

There is a fence about the house.
The dog jumped over the fence into the garden.
There are many kinds of animals inside this enclosure.
There is a fence around the house.

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