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English Meaning(s) for 果て

  1. the end; the extremity; the limit; the limits; the result

Definition and Synonyms for 果て

Edge the outside limit of an object or area or surface
Synonyms: そば, へり, ほとり, ゆかり, エッジ, かたわら, , , 外輪, 果て, 果てる, , , , , , 端っこ, , , , 縁辺, , , 辺り, , , 際涯
End the concluding parts of an event or occurrence
Synonyms: おち, くくる, しまう, じまい, エンド, ラスト, おしまい, しゃくる, どんづまり, 仕舞い, , 帰結, 括り, 掉尾, 最後, 最期, 最終段階, あげくの果て, 果て, 果てる, , 決まり, 決まる, , , 終わり, 終わる, 終局, 終幕, 終末, 終極, 終盤, 終結, 結び, 結ぶ, 結尾, 結局, 結末, 落ちる, 詰め
End a boundary marking the extremities of something
Synonyms: そば, エンド, 末梢, 末端, 果て, 果てる, 極端, , , , , 端っこ, 端末, 詰む, 詰め, 詰める
End a final state
Synonyms: しまう, じまい, エンド, おしまい, フィニッシュ, 仕舞い, , 幕切れ, 最後, 最期, 最終, 末尾, 末つ方, 末期, 末期, 末路, 果て, 果てる, 消滅, 滅亡, , 終わり, 終わる, 終局, 終幕, 終期, 終末, 終点, 終焉, 終盤, 終結, 結尾, 結末, 閉幕
End the point in time at which something ends
Synonyms: しまう, じまい, エンド, おしまい, エンディング, 仕舞い, 最後, , , , , 果て, 果てる, 止める, 留め, 留める, 終わり, 終わる, 終末, 結尾
Edge a place farthest away from the center of something
Synonyms: そば, へり, ほとり, ゆかり, エッジ, かたわら, , , 外輪, 果て, 果てる, , , , , , 端っこ, , , , 縁辺, , , 辺り, , , 際涯

Meanings for each kanji in 果て

» fruit; reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed

Categories 果て is a member of

State the way something is with respect to its main attributes
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Finish event whose occurrence ends something
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Bound the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
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Demarcation Line the boundary of a specific area
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Point an instant of time
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 果て

Sample Sentences for 果て

And on top of it all, I was fired.
Although it was a popular movie, Out of Africa was more of a coffee-table movie than anything else.
I am seeking the path to the end of the universe.
All she got for her pains was ingratitude.
I am invited to the end of the universe.

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