Romaji Hide
Definition and Synonyms for 尾状核
1. |
尾状核 |
尻尾、または尻尾のような付属器官を持った |
Caudated |
having a tail or taillike appendage |
Synonyms: |
尾状核 |
2. |
尾状核 |
トカゲ類に似た両生動物類 |
Caudate |
amphibians that resemble lizards |
Synonyms: |
尾状核 |
3. |
尾状核 |
(葉の形について)長い尾のような先端になるよう先細になるさま |
Caudate |
(of a leaf shape) tapering gradually into a long taillike tip |
Synonyms: |
尾状核 |
4. |
尾状核 |
脳の側脳室に位置する尾の形をした基底核 |
Caudate |
a tail-shaped basal ganglion located in a lateral ventricle of the brain |
Synonyms: |
尾状核 |
Meanings for each kanji in 尾状核
» |
尾 |
tail; end; counter for fish; lower slope of mountain |
» |
状 |
status quo; conditions; circumstances; form; appearance |
» |
核 |
nucleus; core; kernel |
Categories 尾状核 is a member of
1. |
両生類 |
一般的に土地に住んでいるが、水の中で繁殖している冷血脊椎動物 |
Amphibian |
cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water |
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2. |
脳幹神経節 |
各大脳半球低にある皮層下の灰白質のいくつかの塊で、随意運動の調整にかかわりがあると思われる |
Basal Ganglion |
any of several masses of subcortical grey matter at the base of each cerebral hemisphere that seem to be involved in the regulation of voluntary movement |
Show all words in category » |
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