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noun, suru verb

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English Meaning(s) for 喧嘩

noun, suru verb
  1. quarrel; brawl; fight; squabble; scuffle; argument

Definition and Synonyms for 喧嘩

Altercate have a disagreement over something
Synonyms: やりあう, 争う, 争論, 口論, 喧嘩, 抗う, 渡り合う, 言い争う, 諍い, 諍う, 論争, 論判
Fight be engaged in a fight
Synonyms: やりあう, 争う, 争闘, 交戦, 係争, せめぎ合う, 合戦, 喧嘩, 戦う, 戦闘, 抗う, 抗争, 闘争
Run-In an angry dispute
Synonyms: 争議, 口げんか, 口争い, 口論, 喧嘩, 悶着, 抗う, 物言い, 物言う, 言い争い, 言い争う, 言い合い, 言い合う, 諍い, 諍う, 論争, 論判
Squabble a quarrel about petty points
Synonyms: いざこざ, 争い, 争う, 争議, 口論, 喧嘩, 悶着, 抗う, 確執, 言い合い, 言い合う, 諍い, 諍う
Fight fight against or resist strongly
Synonyms: 争う, 仇する, 反する, 反対, 反抗, 喧嘩, 対抗, 対敵, 戦う, 手向かう, 抗う, 抗する, 抗戦, 抵抗, 敵対, 楯突く, 歯向かう, 逆らう, 闘争
Dispute coming into conflict with
Synonyms: 喧嘩, 論争
Fighting the act of fighting
Synonyms: ファイト, 争い, 争う, 争闘, 修羅, 喧嘩, 太刀打ち, 戦い, 戦う, 戦闘, 抗う, 闘争, 闘諍
Brawl a noisy fight in a crowd
Synonyms: 喧嘩
Fight carry on a fight
Synonyms: やりあう, 争う, 争闘, 交戦, 係争, せめぎ合う, 合戦, 喧嘩, 戦う, 戦闘, 抗う, 抗争, 闘争
Fighting any contest or struggle
Synonyms: ファイト, 争い, 争う, 争闘, 修羅, 喧嘩, 太刀打ち, 戦い, 戦う, 戦闘, 抗う, 闘争, 闘諍

Meanings for each kanji in 喧嘩

» noisy; boisterous
» noisy

Categories 喧嘩 is a member of

Argue have an argument about something
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Battle an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals)
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Fight be engaged in a fight
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Resistance group action in opposition to those in power
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Fighting the act of fighting
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Dispute a disagreement or argument about something important
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Run-In an angry dispute
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 喧嘩

Sample Sentences for 喧嘩

I want to put an end to the quarrel.
A crowd collected to watch the fight.
Did you and Joan have a blow up?
Tom and Jane quarreled, but they made up the next morning.
Don't let a little quarrel come between us.

Comments for 喧嘩

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