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Definition and Synonyms for 侵害
1. | 侵害 | 協定や権利を無視する行為 |
Infringement | an act that disregards an agreement or a right | |
Synonyms: | 侵害, 干犯, 背反行為, 違令, 違反, 違変, 違犯, 違犯行為, 違背 | |
2. | 立入る | 不法にだれかの所有地に入る |
Trespass | enter unlawfully on someone's property | |
Synonyms: | 侵す, 侵入, 侵害, 立ち入る | |
3. | 反則 | 違反行為 |
Transgression | the act of transgressing | |
Synonyms: | 侵害, 反則, 悪業, 悪行, 犯罪, 違反, 違変, 違犯, 違背 | |
4. | 食い込み | 不法侵入または侵入 |
Inroad | an encroachment or intrusion | |
Synonyms: | 侵害, 蚕食, 食い込み, 食い込む | |
5. | 侵害 | 破壊する |
Violate | destroy | |
Synonyms: | 侵害 | |
6. | 侵害 | 影響を与える、または侵害 |
Encroach | impinge or infringe upon | |
Synonyms: | 侵害 | |
7. | 反則 | 法律、義務または倫理の違反 |
Transgression | the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle | |
Synonyms: | 侵害, 反則, 悪業, 悪行, 犯罪, 違反, 違変, 違犯, 違背 |
Categories 侵害 is a member of
1. | 不品行 | 道徳や法律に違反する行為 |
Misconduct | activity that transgresses moral or civil law | |
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2. | 不法侵入 | 権利や許可なしに他人の土地に入ること |
Usurpation | entry to another's property without right or permission | |
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3. | 弄う | 手を付ける |
Touch | tamper with | |
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4. | 犯す | 法、規則、契約、または約束を無視して、行動する |
Break | act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises | |
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5. | 侵入 | 過度に使用する |
Trespass | make excessive use of | |
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Sample Sentences for 侵害
Reporters do not hesitate to intrude into people's privacy.
The dictatorship came under fire for its human rights record.
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