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noun, suffix, counter, particle

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English Meaning(s) for きり

  1. end; finish; stop
  2. bounds; limits
  3. delivery date (of a futures contract) (esp. 限り,限)
  4. finale (of a noh song); end of an act (in jōruri or kabuki); final performance of the day (in vaudeville)
suffix, counter
  1. counter for slices (esp. thick slices); counter for cuts (e.g. fish, meat)
  1. only; just (senses 6-8 are sometimes pronounced ぎり, esp. in old-fashioned speech)
  2. since; after (usu. in a negative sentence)
  3. remaining (in a particular state)

Definition and Synonyms for きり

Extent the distance or area or volume over which something extends
Synonyms: きり, ほど, , 度合い, 程度, 範囲, 限り, 限る, 限度, 限界, 領域
Bound the greatest possible degree of something
Synonyms: きり, リミット, 局限, 極限, 限り, 限る, 限度, 限界, 際涯, 際限
Demarcation Line the boundary of a specific area
Synonyms: きり, リミット, 分界, 区分, 区分け, 区割り, 境界, 境界, 境界線, 境目, 方図, 限り, 限る, 限界
Limit as far as something can go
Synonyms: きり, リミット, 極点, 極限, 限り, 限る, 限界
Limit the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed
Synonyms: きり, ぎめ, リミット, 極める, 決め, 決める, 限り, 限る, 限度, 限界
Extent the point or degree to which something extends
Synonyms: きり, ほど, 度合い, 程度, 限り, 限る, 限度
Eager having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy
Synonyms: きり, 乗り気, , 意欲的, 熱心, 真剣
Earnest characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions
Synonyms: きり, ひたすら, ひたぶる, ひたむき, 一向, 一生懸命, 一筋, 一途, 一途, , 懸命, 本気, 熱心, 熱誠, 生真面目, 真剣, 真摯, 真正直, 真面目, 真面目
Fragment a piece broken off or cut off of something else
Synonyms: きり, かけら, きれる, フラグメント, , 切る, 切れ, 切れ, 割る, 割れ, 割れる, 小片, 断片, 欠く, 欠け, 欠ける, 砕片, 破片, 細片

Categories きり is a member of

Magnitude the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small)
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Extent the distance or area or volume over which something extends
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Bound the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something
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Extremity the outermost or farthest region or point
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Indefinite Quantity an estimated quantity
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Point a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process
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Part a portion of a natural object
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Stroke Order Diagrams for きり

Sample Sentences for きり

He had breakfast all alone.
The island was enveloped in a thick fog.
This stable contains twelve stalls.
She left home five years ago, and has never been heard of since.
You must have been surprised to find me alone with her last night.

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