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Definition and Synonyms for 砲撃
1. | 砲撃 | 銃を撃つ行為 |
Gunfire | the act of shooting a gun | |
Synonyms: | 射撃, 発砲, 砲撃, 砲火, 銃火 | |
2. | 砲撃 | 爆弾を落とすことによる攻撃 |
Bombing | an attack by dropping bombs | |
Synonyms: | 爆撃, 砲撃, 砲火 | |
3. | 砲撃 | 爆弾を投げる、または、爆弾で攻撃する |
Bombard | throw bombs at or attack with bombs | |
Synonyms: | 爆撃, 砲撃 | |
4. | 爆破 | 爆薬を使用する |
Blast | use explosives on | |
Synonyms: | 爆撃, 爆砕, 爆破, 砲撃 | |
5. | 砲撃 | 大砲か銃による攻撃 |
Cannonade | attack with cannons or artillery | |
Synonyms: | 砲撃 |
Categories 砲撃 is a member of
1. | 撃方 | 弾丸を発射する行為 |
Shot | the act of firing a projectile | |
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2. | 攻 | 敵に対する攻撃(武器を使用して) |
Attack | an offensive against an enemy (using weapons) | |
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3. | 攻撃 | 攻撃または襲撃をする |
Assail | launch an attack or assault on | |
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4. | 砲撃 | 爆弾を投げる、または、爆弾で攻撃する |
Bombard | throw bombs at or attack with bombs | |
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Sample Sentences for 砲撃
The gunfire was getting worse, so we ran down to our cellar.
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