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Entry Details for はかなかったら

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i adjective (negative)

Alternate Written Forms:


Matched Conjugations:

Conditional Present Indicative Form

English Meaning(s) for はかなかったら

i adjective (negative)
  1. fleeting; transient; short-lived; momentary; ephemeral; fickle; vain
  2. empty (dream, etc.); mere (hope); faint (possibility)
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the conditional present indicative form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for はかなかったら

Fleeting lasting for a markedly brief time
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的
Bold fearless and daring
Synonyms: はかない, 勇ましい, 勇猛, 壮烈, 大胆, 大胆不敵, 放胆, 果敢, 果断, 豪胆, 雄渾
Resolute firm in purpose or belief
Synonyms: はかない, 剛毅, 強硬, 果敢, 果断
Temporary not permanent
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的, 対症的, 暫定的, 苟且
Passing lasting a very short time
Synonyms: はかない, 一時的, 刹那的, 短命
Fruitless unproductive of success
Synonyms: ただ, だめ, いたずら, いたずら, はかない, 不毛, , , , , 徒爾, 無益, 無駄, , 虚しい
Miserable of very poor quality or condition
Synonyms: ケチ, しがない, はかない, わびしい, すぼらしい, ミゼラブル, みすぼらしい, 哀れ, 嘆かわしい, 情けない, 惨め, 浅ましい
Useless having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully
Synonyms: やくざ, いたずら, いたずら, はかない, へっぽこ, くだらない, 下る, 下がる, 不用, 徒爾, 無用, 無益, 無駄, 益体もない
Ineffectual producing no result or effect
Synonyms: いたずら, いたずら, はかない, 不毛, 無効, 無益, 無駄, 虚しい
Evanescent tending to vanish like vapor
Synonyms: はかない
Hardiness the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger
Synonyms: はかない, 不敵, 剛毅, 大胆, 大胆不敵, 度胸, 放胆, 肝っ魂
Cheek impudent aggressiveness
Synonyms: はかない, チャレンジ, 勇気, 向い, 向かう, 図々しい, 図太い, 大胆, 太い, 度肝, 度胸, 慢心, ど根性, 無遠慮, 破廉恥, 肝っ魂, 胆力, 荒肝
Temporary not lasting
Synonyms: かりそめ, はかない, 一時的, 対症的, 暫定的, 苟且
Resolute characterized by firmness and determination
Synonyms: はかない, 剛毅, 強硬, 果敢, 果断

Categories はかなかったら is a member of

Fearlessness the trait of feeling no fear
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Aggressiveness the quality of being bold and enterprising
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Stroke Order Diagrams for はかなかったら

Conjugations for はかなかったら

Adjective stem
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

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