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Entry Details for ピッタシ

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adverb, adverb taking the to particle, suru verb, na adjective

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English Meaning(s) for ピッタシ

adverb, adverb taking the to particle, suru verb
  1. tightly; closely (ぴったし is col.)
  2. exactly; precisely
  3. suddenly (stopping)
adverb, adverb taking the to particle, suru verb, na adjective
  1. perfectly (suited); ideally

Definition and Synonyms for ピッタシ

Fast firmly or closely
Synonyms: ひしと, がっちり, ぎゅっと, しっかり, ひしひし, ぴったり, ぺったり
Tightly securely fixed or fastened
Synonyms: ぎゅう, しかと, ひしと, シカト, ピンと, かっちり, がっちり, きっちり, きゅっと, ぎゅっと, しっかり, ひしひし, びっしり, ぴしゃり, ぴたっと, ぴちっと, ぴったり, ぴっちり, カチッと, ピシッと, きゅうきゅう, ぎゅうぎゅう
Just indicating exactness or preciseness
Synonyms: しかと, ずばり, まさに, かっきり, かっちり, きちっと, きちんと, きっかり, きっちり, ちゃんと, ちょうど, ぴたっと, ぴったり, まさしく, ちょっきり, ドンピシャ, きちんきちん, 正しい, 正しく, 正確
Closely in a close relation or position in time or space
Synonyms: ぎっしり, ぴたっと, ぴちっと, ぴったり, ぴっちり, 近い, 近く
Tightly in a tight or constricted manner
Synonyms: ぎゅう, しかと, ひしと, シカト, かっちり, きっちり, きゅっと, ぎっしり, ぎゅっと, ぎりぎり, ぎりぎり, しっかり, ひしひし, びっしり, ぴたっと, ぴちっと, ぴったり, ぴっちり, みっしり, カチッと, ピシッと, きゅうきゅう, ぎゅうぎゅう, 密接
Precisely in a precise manner
Synonyms: しかと, ずばり, まさに, きちっと, きちんと, きっちり, ちゃんと, ちょうど, ぴたっと, ぴったり, まさしく, ドンピシャ, 正しい, 正しく, 正確
Closely in an attentive manner
Synonyms: ひしと, ぎゅっと, ぴたっと, ぴちっと, ぴったり, ぴっちり, べったり

Stroke Order Diagrams for ピッタシ

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