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Entry Details for 俗

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noun, na adjective, no adjective, outdated reading

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English Meaning(s) for 俗

  1. layman (esp. as opposed to a Buddhist monk); laity; man of the world; the world
  2. local manners; modern customs
na adjective, no adjective
  1. common; popular
  2. vulgar; low

Definition and Synonyms for 俗

Practice a customary way of operation or behavior
Synonyms: パタン, パターン, , 定形, 定規, 常習, 御定まり, 御諚, 慣例, 慣行, 習わし, 習わす, 習俗, 習慣, 習癖, 行動様式, 風儀
Usual commonly encountered
Synonyms: ありがち,
Base having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality
Synonyms: せこい, さもしい, はしたない, 下劣, 下種, 低劣, , 卑しい, 卑劣, 汚い, 浅ましい, 醜い, 醜悪, 陋劣
Unwashed of or associated with the great masses of people
Synonyms: おおよそ, 一般的, 世俗的, 世間並み, 並大抵, 人並み, , , 凡庸, 十人並, 尋常, 平凡, 平民的, 普通
Mercenary marked by materialism
Grossness the quality of lacking taste and refinement
Synonyms: 下品, 不意気, 低劣, , 俗悪, 俗気, 俚俗, 卑俗, 卑陋, 平凡, 粗野

Meanings for each kanji in 俗

» vulgar; customs; manners; worldliness; mundane things

Categories 俗 is a member of

Activity any specific behavior
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Inelegance the quality of lacking refinement and good taste
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 俗

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