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Entry Details for けれど

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conjunction, particle

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English Meaning(s) for けれど

conjunction, particle
  1. but; however; although

Definition and Synonyms for けれど

However by contrast
Synonyms: けど, しかしながら, それにもかかわらず
However on the other hand
Synonyms: けど, しかしながら, それにもかかわらず

Stroke Order Diagrams for けれど

Sample Sentences for けれど

But, for even grandma, to treat Mai so crudely, mightn't it also be that "spilling out" of emotion that can not be stopped? Because even grandma, is a person before being a witch.
Up to now we've been taking a casual relaxed attitude toward our relationship but I want to start looking at us more critically.
Young as he is, he is a very reliable person.
I want to see you for a moment.
Though he was poor, he was nonetheless happy.

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