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Entry Details for アルバイト

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for アルバイト

noun, suru verb
  1. part-time job; side job
  1. part-time worker
  2. albite

Definition and Synonyms for アルバイト

Employment the occupation for which you are paid
Synonyms: バイト, バイト, バイト, アルバイト, 仕事, 働き口, 労働, 雇用
Worker a person who works at a specific occupation
Synonyms: ワーカー, アルバイト, サラリーマン, 働き手, 労働者, 勤労者, 就業者

Categories アルバイト is a member of

Individual a human being
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Occupation the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money
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Stroke Order Diagrams for アルバイト

Sample Sentences for アルバイト

His salary is so small he must do odd jobs.
My mother objected to my working part time.
Last year in the summer I worked part-time on a farm.
A lot of their time is spent on part-time jobs.
Students, by working part time, are able to scrape up tuition fees by themselves.

Comments for アルバイト

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I heard this on alot!

#1 Posted by Mango J-Pop over 10 years ago

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