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English Meaning(s) for 最初

no adjective, noun, adverb
  1. beginning; outset; first; onset

Definition and Synonyms for 最初

Ab Initio at the beginning
Synonyms: はじめに, 最初
Earlier before now
Synonyms: まず, はじめに, もともと, もとより, まずもって, 元来, 最初, 第一
Beginning the first part or section of something
Synonyms: ついで, のっけ, はじめ, スタート, ビギニング, 入口, 冒頭, すべり出し, 出だし, 出始め, 出始める, 出端, 出鼻, 出っ鼻, 初め, 初める, 初期, 初頭, 取っ付く, 取り付く, とば口, 始まり, 始まる, 始める, 幕開け, , 序の口, 序盤, 序章, 当初, 最初, 滑り出す
Beginning the event consisting of the start of something
Synonyms: はじめ, むくり, 元始, 冒頭, 出だし, 初口, 始まり, 始まる, 始める, 幕開き, 幕開け, 序開き, 振り出し, 振り出す, 最初, , , 源流, 濫觴, 発端, 芽出し, 起こり, 起こる, 起源, 起首
Start the beginning of anything
Synonyms: はじめ, スタート, しょっぱな, , 入り, 入る, 入る, 入口, 冒頭, すべり出し, 出だし, 初め, 初める, 原初, 嚆矢, 始まり, 始まる, 始める, 序開き, 最初, 滑り出す, 発端, 第一歩
Number One the first or highest in an ordering or series
Synonyms: はじめ, トップ, ひとつがい, ナンバーワン, 一番, いの一番, 一級, 光一, 初め, 初める, 最初, 真っ先, 第一, 1等, 随一
Incipiency beginning to exist or to be apparent
Synonyms: 初発, 最初, 発端
Beginning the time at which something is supposed to begin
Synonyms: のっけ, はじめ, とっつき, ぶっつけ, ぶつける, スタート, しょっぱな, キックオフ, すべり出し, 出だし, 出鼻, 出っ鼻, 初め, 初める, 初っ切り, 初口, 劈頭, 取っ付く, 取り付く, 取り付け, 口切り, 始まり, 始まる, 始める, 幕開き, 幕開け, 当初, 最初, 滑り出す, 発足, 開始, 開幕, 開闢

Meanings for each kanji in 最初

» utmost; most; extreme
» first time; beginning

Categories 最初 is a member of

Part one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole
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Occurrence an event that happens
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Beginning the event consisting of the start of something
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Rank relative status
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Point an instant of time
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Beginning the time at which something is supposed to begin
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 最初

Sample Sentences for 最初

We should determine what is to be done first.
I had stage fright at first, but I got over it quickly.
The first month of the year is January.
When I am going to visit someone I look up to, I first write to him and tell him why.
First of all, I must say this.

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