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Entry Details for 周囲

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noun, no adjective

English Meaning(s) for 周囲

noun, no adjective
  1. surroundings; environs
  2. circumference

Definition and Synonyms for 周囲

Circumference the size of something as given by the distance around it
Synonyms: 円周, 周回, 周囲, 周囲長, 周辺, 外回り
Neighbourhood a surrounding or nearby region
Synonyms: そば, あたり, ほとり, かたがた, かたわら, 付近, , , 側辺, 周り, 周囲, 周辺, 四囲, 四辺, 界隈, , , その辺, 辺り, 近い, 近く, 近傍, 近所, 近辺, 近間, 近隣, 間近, 間近い
Peri a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done
Synonyms: 周囲
Peri a beautiful and graceful girl
Synonyms: 周囲
Perimeter a line enclosing a plane areas
Synonyms: 周囲
Fringe the outside boundary or surface of something
Synonyms: 周囲, 周縁, 周辺, 外周, 外縁, 表面
Environment the totality of surrounding conditions
Synonyms: 周囲, 環境

Meanings for each kanji in 周囲

» circumference; circuit; lap
» surround; besiege; store; paling; enclosure; encircle; preserve; keep

Categories 周囲 is a member of

Size the physical magnitude of something (how big it is)
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Section a distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people
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Spirit any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
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Girl a young woman
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Line a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness
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Edge a line determining the limits of an area
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Situation the general state of things
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 周囲

Sample Sentences for 周囲

The tree is four feet around.
We danced about the fire.
America's consumer slump will hit those around it as well.
He is too much superior to those about him to be quickly understood.
The lake is five kilometers round.

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