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Definition and Synonyms for 襲来
1. | 攻略 | 侵略行為 |
Invasion | the act of invading | |
Synonyms: | 侵入, 侵攻, 侵犯, 侵略, 侵襲, 入冦, 入寇, 攻略, 来冦, 来攻, 来襲, 蚕食, 襲来 | |
2. | 攻 | 敵に対する攻撃(武器を使用して) |
Attack | an offensive against an enemy (using weapons) | |
Synonyms: | せめ, アタック, 攻める, 攻撃, 来襲, 襲撃, 襲来, 進攻 | |
3. | 侵冦 | 敵の領地へ侵入する攻撃 |
Penetration | an attack that penetrates into enemy territory | |
Synonyms: | 侵入, 侵攻, 侵犯, 侵略, 入冦, 入寇, 来冦, 来攻, 来襲, 襲来 | |
4. | 攻撃 | 相場師が投機家をだます試み |
Raid | an attempt by speculators to defraud investors | |
Synonyms: | 攻撃, 来冦, 来襲, 殴り込み, 殴り込む, 襲撃, 襲来 | |
5. | 攻撃 | コントロールすることのできない状態に突然陥ること |
Attack | a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition | |
Synonyms: | アタック, 攻撃, 来襲, 殴り込み, 殴り込む, 発作, 襲撃, 襲来 | |
6. | 攻略 | 前に支配していない地域に入ること |
Intrusion | any entry into an area not previously occupied | |
Synonyms: | 乱入, 侵入, 侵攻, 侵犯, 侵略, 侵襲, 侵食, 入寇, 攻略, 来襲, 蚕食, 襲来, 闖入 | |
7. | 攻略 | 侵略行為 |
Invasion | the act of an army that invades for conquest or plunder | |
Synonyms: | 侵入, 侵攻, 侵犯, 侵略, 侵襲, 入冦, 入寇, 攻略, 来冦, 来攻, 来襲, 蚕食, 襲来 |
Meanings for each kanji in 襲来
» | 襲 | attack; advance on; succeed to; pile; heap |
» | 来 | come; due; next; cause; become |
Categories 襲来 is a member of
1. | 使い込み | 他人の所有物だが管理を任された資金または財産を詐欺的に横領すること |
Misappropriation | the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else | |
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2. | 軍事行動 | 軍であるか海軍力による活動(演習またはキャンペーンとして) |
Military Operation | activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign) | |
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3. | 攻 | 敵に対する攻撃(武器を使用して) |
Attack | an offensive against an enemy (using weapons) | |
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4. | 侵冦 | 敵の領地へ侵入する攻撃 |
Penetration | an attack that penetrates into enemy territory | |
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5. | 禍 | 大きな悩みや苦痛の種 |
Affliction | a cause of great suffering and distress | |
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6. | 入ること | 中に入る、または、内側に向かう動き |
Entering | a movement into or inward | |
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