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Entry Details for 破損

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 破損

noun, suru verb
  1. damage

Definition and Synonyms for 破損

Damage inflict damage upon
Synonyms: 傷つく, 傷つける, 害する, 損じる, 損なう, 損傷, 損壊, 損害, 毀傷, 毀損, 痛む, 痛める, 破損
Scathe the act of damaging something or someone
Synonyms: 傷害, 加害, 打撃, 損傷, 損壊, 損害, 毀傷, 毀損, 破損, 賊害
Break go to pieces
Synonyms: こぼれる, 割る, 割れる, 壊れる, 崩れる, 崩落, 張り裂ける, 損壊, 潰れる, 砕く, 砕ける, 破く, 破る, 破ける, 破れる, 破壊, 破損, 自壊

Meanings for each kanji in 破損

» rend; rip; tear; break; destroy; defeat; frustrate
» damage; loss; disadvantage; hurt; injure

Categories 破損 is a member of

Modify cause to change
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Crumble fall into decay or ruin
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Change Of Integrity the act of changing the unity or wholeness of something
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 破損

Sample Sentences for 破損

The file is corrupt.
They charged me for the broken window.
We are very sorry that your order was damaged.
The house with the damaged roof has been repaired.
The saved game appears to be damaged and cannot be used. Please quit the game and then restart after removing the save data.

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