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noun, noun, used as a suffix

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English Meaning(s) for 敵

noun, used as a suffix, noun
  1. rival; opponent; adversary; competitor; enemy (esp. one with which there is longstanding enmity); foe (usu. pronounced がたき when used as a suffix)
  1. revenge
  2. spouse

Definition and Synonyms for 敵

Wrecking destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
Synonyms: , 壊滅, , , 没落, 滅亡, 疲弊, 破壊, 破滅, 荒廃, 衰亡
Feud a bitter quarrel between two parties
Synonyms: 不和, , ,
Evil that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune
Synonyms: , , , 厄難, 害悪, 害毒, 弊害, 惨禍, , 災い, , , 禍害
Ruin an event that results in destruction
Synonyms: , , , 没落, 滅亡, 破滅, 荒廃, 衰亡
Gall a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
Synonyms: うらむ, , 怨嗟, 怨恨, 恨み, 恨む, 憎む, 憎しみ, 憤り, 憤る, 憤る, 憤怒, 憤慨, 憤懣, , 激憤, 辛辣, 遺恨, 鬱憤
Enemy any hostile group of people
Synonyms: エネミー, , 仇敵, 対敵, , , 敵手
Enemy an opposing military force
Synonyms: , , 敵軍
Resister someone who offers opposition
Synonyms: 反対者, 対手, 対敵, , , 敵対者, 敵手
Foe an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force)
Synonyms: 寄せ手, 対敵, , , 敵兵, 敵手
Foe a personal enemy
Synonyms: エネミー, , 反対者, ,
Opposite a contestant that you are matched against
Synonyms: 対戦相手, 対手, 対抗馬, 対敵, , , 敵手, 相手, 相手方, 競争相手
Challenger the contestant you hope to defeat
Synonyms: ライバル, ライヴァル, 対戦相手, 対敵, 挑戦者, , , 敵手, 相手, 競争相手, 競合者
Dilapidation the process of becoming dilapidated
Synonyms: , , , 没落, 滅亡, 破滅, 荒廃, 衰亡

Meanings for each kanji in 敵

» enemy; foe; opponent

Categories 敵 is a member of

Individual a human being
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Devastation the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
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Battle an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals)
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Badness that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency
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Demolition an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
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Ill Will the feeling of a hostile person
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People any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively
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Military Force a unit that is part of some military service
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Contestant a person who participates in competitions
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Resister someone who offers opposition
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Challenger the contestant you hope to defeat
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Decay the process of gradually becoming inferior
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 敵

Sample Sentences for 敵

He avenged his dead father.
If you wish to kill Simon's enemy, I'm prepared to throw away my life.

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