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Entry Details for 信

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noun, counter

English Meaning(s) for 信

  1. honesty; sincerity; fidelity
  2. trust; reliance; confidence
  3. (religious) faith; devotion
  1. counter for received messages

Definition and Synonyms for 信

Confidence a state of confident hopefulness that events will be favorable
Synonyms: トラスト, , 信憑, 信用, 信頼, 確信
Faith loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person
Synonyms: , 信念, 信義, 忠義, 忠誠
Sincerity the quality of being open and truthful
Synonyms: 丹心, 丹精, , 信実, , , , 実体, 実体, 実意, 実直, 忠誠, 情実, , 本気, 正直, 正身, , , 真心, 真情, 真正直, 真率, 真面目, 真面目, 篤厚, 篤実, 至心, 至情, 至誠, 衷情, , 誠実, 誠心, 誠情, 誠意, 赤心, 赤誠
Honesty the quality of being honest
Synonyms: ,
Fidelity the quality of being faithful
Synonyms: まめ, 丹心, , 信実, 信義, , , , 律儀, 忠実, 忠義, 忠誠, , 操守, 正身, 真実性, 節操, , 貞節
Religion a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
Synonyms: , 信仰, 信受, 信奉, 信心, 信教, 信条
Missive a written message addressed to a person or organization
Synonyms: あや, レター, 便, 便, 便り, , 信書, 尺牘, 手簡, 手紙, 投書, , , , , 書信, 書札, 書牘, 書状, 書簡, 書面, , 来簡, , , 玉章, 玉章, , 簡牘, , , 置き手紙, 郵便, 雁の使い, 雁の便り, 雁の文, 雁書, 頼る
Reliance the state of relying on something
Synonyms: よりどころ, 依存, , 信用, 信頼, 従属, 心頼み, 頼み, 頼み, 頼む, 頼り, 頼る
Sincerity not deceitful or hypocritical
Synonyms: 丹心, 丹精, , 信実, , , , 実体, 実体, 実意, 実直, 忠誠, 情実, , 本気, 正直, 正身, , , 真心, 真情, 真正直, 真率, 真面目, 真面目, 篤厚, 篤実, 至心, 至情, 至誠, 衷情, , 誠実, 誠心, 誠情, 誠意, 赤心, 赤誠

Meanings for each kanji in 信

» faith; truth; fidelity; trust

Categories 信 is a member of

Dedication the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action
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Document anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks
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Quality an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone
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Righteousness adhering to moral principles
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Truthfulness the quality of being truthful
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Belief any cognitive content held as true
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Textual Matter the words of something written
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Dependency the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else
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Hopefulness full of hope
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Supernatural Virtue according to Christian ethics: one of the three virtues (faith, hope, and charity) created by God to round out the natural virtues
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 信

Sample Sentences for 信

The car banged itself against a tree.
I like Kenshin Uesugi.
Well now. Are those words to be trusted I wonder?

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