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Entry Details for いかがわしい

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i adjective

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English Meaning(s) for いかがわしい

i adjective
  1. suspicious; dubious; unreliable
  2. indecent; unseemly

Definition and Synonyms for いかがわしい

Dubious fraught with uncertainty or doubt
Synonyms: うろん, いかがわしい, おぼつかない, 不審, 怪しい, 怪しげ, 疑わしい, 訝しい
Indecent offensive to good taste especially in sexual matters
Synonyms: エッチ, わいせつ, いやらしい, いかがわしい, 卑猥, 卑陋, 淫ら, 濫りがましい, 濫りがわしい
Obscene designed to incite to indecency or lust
Synonyms: わいせつ, いかがわしい, 卑猥, 淫ら, 淫猥, 濫りがましい, 濫りがわしい
Immoral deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong
Synonyms: ひどい, いかがわしい, 不徳義, 不道徳, 非道
Questionable subject to question
Synonyms: うろん, いかがわしい, 不審, 怪しい, 疑わしい
Dubious open to doubt or suspicion
Synonyms: うろん, いかがわしい, 不審, 不明朗, 怪しい, 怪しげ, 疑わしい, 訝しい
Funny not as expected
Synonyms: うろん, いかがわしい, 不審, , , 怪しい, 怪しげ, 生臭い, 疑わしい, 胡散臭い, きな臭い, 訝しい
Base not adhering to ethical or moral principles
Synonyms: ひどい, アンモラル, インモラル, いかがわしい, 下劣, 不倫, 不徳義, 不道徳, 非道
Salacious suggestive of or tending to moral looseness
Synonyms: エロ, エッチ, エロい, わいせつ, いやらしい, いかがわしい, 卑猥, 淫ら, 淫乱, 淫奔, 淫猥, 淫靡, 濫りがましい, 濫りがわしい
Louche of questionable taste or morality
Synonyms: いかがわしい
Salaciousness the trait of behaving in an obscene manner
Synonyms: わいせつ, いやらしい, いかがわしい, 卑猥, 淫猥, 淫靡, 邪淫

Categories いかがわしい is a member of

Indecency the quality of being indecent
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Stroke Order Diagrams for いかがわしい

Conjugations for いかがわしい

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for いかがわしい

Students are expected to stay away from dubious places.
He is mixed up with something shabby.
That religious cult has got some pretty off the wall ideas.

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