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English Meaning(s) for しな

  1. article; item; thing; goods; stock (esp. 品)
  2. quality
  3. flirtatiousness; coquetry (esp. 科)

Definition and Synonyms for しな

Stairway a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps
Synonyms: しな, ぎざぎざ, だんだん, 上がり段, , , 階梯, 階段, 階段室
Item a whole individual unit
Synonyms: しな, アイテム, 事項, , , 品目, 条目, 科目, 種目, 項目
Article one of a class of artifacts
Synonyms: しな, ぶつ, もの, もの, , , 品物, 物品
Thing an artifact
Synonyms: しな, ぶつ, もの, もの, 代物, 代物, , , 品物, 物件, 物品
Thing an entity that is not named specifically
Synonyms: しな, ぶつ, もの, もの, 代物, 代物, , , 品物, 物件, 物品
Self-Worth the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect
Synonyms: しな, プライド, , , 品位, 品格, 売券, 威信, 尊厳, 気位, 気品, 気韻, 気高い, 沽券, 矜持, 自尊, 自尊心, 自負心, 見識, 貫目, 貫禄
Gracility elegance and beauty of movement or expression
Synonyms: しな, エレガンス, , , 品位, 気品, , , 麗しい
Study a branch of knowledge
Synonyms: しな, しな, とが, フィールド, 分野, 学科, 専門分野, 専門科目, 教科, 研究分野, , 科目
Family a taxonomic group containing one or more genera
Synonyms: しな, しな, とが,
Dignity high office or rank or station
Synonyms: しな, 体面, 値打ち, , , 品位, 品格, 威儀, 威厳, 威容, 威風, 尊厳, 貫禄, 面目, 高位
Story a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale
Synonyms: しな, フロア, レベル, , , 階層
Stairs a flight of stairs or a flight of steps
Synonyms: しな, はしご, ぎざぎざ, だんだん, 懸け橋, , 梯子段, , , 階段
Item especially when included in a list or collection
Synonyms: しな, アイテム, 事項, , , 品目, 条目, 科目, 種目, 項目

Categories しな is a member of

Entity that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving)
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Whole an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity
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Artefact a man-made object taken as a whole
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Knowledge Base the content of a particular field of knowledge
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Pridefulness a feeling of self-respect and personal worth
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Taxonomic Group animal or plant group having natural relations
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Gracefulness beautiful carriage
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Position the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society
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Stairway a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps
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Structure a thing constructed
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Way any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another
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Stroke Order Diagrams for しな

Sample Sentences for しな

Do be quiet.

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