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noun, suru verb

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English Meaning(s) for 育成

noun, suru verb
  1. rearing; training; nurture; cultivation; promotion

Definition and Synonyms for 育成

Fostering encouragement
Synonyms: 助成, 助長, 育成
Foster help develop, help grow
Synonyms: 保育, 培う, 培養, 涵養, 育つ, 育む, 育てる, 育て上げる, 育成, 育種, 養い育てる
Cultivation production of food by preparing the land to grow crops (especially on a large scale)
Synonyms: 培養, 教養, 栽培, 涵養, 耕作, 育成, 養殖
Cultivation socialization through training and education to develop one's mind or manners
Synonyms: 修養, 培養, 教化, 教化, 教養, 琢磨, 育成, 錬磨, 陶冶, 養成
Breeding helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community
Synonyms: しつけ, しつける, 教育, 育ち, 育つ, 育成, 養育
Erect cause to rise up
Synonyms: 手がける, 立つ, 立てる, 育つ, 育む, 育てる, 育て上げる, 育成, 育種, 養う
Parent bring up
Synonyms: 扶育, 扶養, 育つ, 育む, 育てる, 育て上げる, 育成, 養う, 養育, 養い育てる
Advancement encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something
Synonyms: プロモーション, 促進, 助長, 勧奨, 増進, 奨励, 振興, 昇任, 昇級, 昇進, 栄転, 栄進, 登用, 育成, 起用, 高揚
Furtherance the advancement of some enterprise
Synonyms: プロモーション, 促進, 助長, 増進, 奨励, 昇任, 昇級, 昇進, 栄転, 栄進, 登用, 育成, 起用, 高揚
Fostering aiding the development of something
Synonyms: 助成, 助長, 育成

Meanings for each kanji in 育成

» rear; bring up; grow up; raise
» turn into; become; get; grow; elapse; reach

Categories 育成 is a member of

Advancement gradual improvement or growth or development
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Production manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale
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Socialisation the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture
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Encourage inspire with confidence
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Lift raise from a lower to a higher position
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Encouragement the expression of approval and support
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 育成

Sample Sentences for 育成

For world peace, therefore, we must develop the consciousness that we are all one people of planet Earth through continual international cultural and economic exchange.
There are various types of wines and the way they are matured varies accordingly.
One problem is how the enterprises arrange posts for excellent female students, but another important point is whether the educational industry can grow and supply creative students needed for Japan's future.

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