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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [みたら]

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It's no use bandying words with them.
It is worthwhile to ask what sort of picture they found there.
Now that he is old, it is your duty to go look after him.
He awoke to find himself lying on the bench.
He awoke to find himself lying on the bed in the hospital.
He woke up to find himself lying on a bench in the park.
He picked up a hat and put it on to see how it would look.
He opened the envelope only to be disappointed.
He prevailed on the farmers to try the new seeds.
He is too old to try it.
He touched the water with his foot.
He weighed the stone in his hand.
He tried putting on his new shoes.
He compared the copy with the original.
He compared his car to the new model.
He compared his idea with another's.
He himself tried it.
He intended to enter the political world at a favorable opportunity.
He tried writing a short story.
He tried climbing the distant mountain.

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