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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [���������]

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Have you completed your preparations for tomorrow?
Have you gotten everything ready for tomorrow?
Are the preparations for tomorrow complete?
Is everything ready for tomorrow?
I have an appointment at eleven tomorrow, but can I change the time?
Can you be ready to leave tomorrow?
If you are free tomorrow, I can show you around Kyoto.
Can I see you at ten tomorrow?
Can you stand the summer heat in Nagoya?
He can't help his daughter being so foolish.
The land could just be discerned through the mist.
Unable to prove his innocence, he was forced to leave his native town.
I'm very pleased that your dream came true.
I couldn't sleep.
Sleepy as I was, I managed to finish my homework.
Democracy is not exportable like food or cement.
How can you be so optimistic about the future?
There is no knowing what will happen in the future.
Everything is ready.
Again I was able to escape death.

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