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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences ["言う"]

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She didn't come to help, but to hinder us.
She is not so much a singer as a comedian.
She is not so much a singer as an actress.
She is not so much a singer as an actress.
She believes whatever he says.
She speaks German and French, not to mention English.
Not only does she speak English, but also German.
She was caught in a shower and got wet to the skin.
She should listen more to other people.
She doesn't even speak her own language well, let alone French.
She isn't so green as to say so.
She had nothing to say about it.
She is more thin than slender.
She is more gentle than kind.
She didn't even have the courtesy to say that she was sorry.
They say she is the kindest woman on earth.
While she is rich, she says she is poor.
In spite of the fact that she's rich, she says she's poor.
Even though she's rich, she says she's poor.
She always writes down every word her teacher says.

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