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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [くろ]

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She was wearing a black hat.
I'd like to hear about black magic. I was only told the highlights in the academy, and it interests me.
The black angel spread those jet-black wings wide and flew up into the sky.
The feathered balls you hit with a battledore are the seeds of a large tree called 'soapberry'.
The woman in a red dress ignored the black-clothed man and called a friend on her mobile.
The girl in the red dress ignored the man dressed in black and called a friend on her cellphone.
A black limo rounded the corner with a squeal of tires.
Grooming in primates increases group cohesion.
Let's pool our money and travel as a group.
The trees looked black against the sky.
I had my mother mend this sweater.
It is the psychological moment to let the cat out of the bag.
She has two cats. One is black, and the other is white.
She is dark-skinned.
She has a small black dog.
She was frightened to see the black cat.
She is very becoming in a black party dress.
She was dressed all in black.
She was dressed in black.
She had bright black eyes.

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