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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [しまう]

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Holster your weapon.
I got hungry watching a cooking show on TV.
How easily one acquires bad habits!
He dropped his wineglass and broke its stem.
All of them were gone.
I'm lost.
You’ve already had lunch? I made and brought the bentō for you though…
I lost all my money in gambling. Literally, I am penniless.
A person in charge in Kobe city at the press conference apologised saying, “It is very regrettable that this kind of misconduct happened. We are very sorry”.
Once again I have cut a worthless object.
I made the same mistake again.
If I was told not to look, I want to look even more.
I slept in and I missed the train.
I broke an important plate.
You can finish all of the cookies in the box.
I fell asleep in the middle of the movie so I couldn’t watch it until the end.
I was so happy that I couldn’t help shrieking.
I accidentally put in too much soy sauce. It might be a little salty.
I was pushing myself at work, and then I finally collapsed.
I drank too much alcohol and slept on the roadside again. I am a worthless human!

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