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I'm not a Muslim and so I have no obligation to observe the fast but as long as I'm living in the same apartment having consideration for such a custom is important.
Don't be afraid to show yourself through speech and take every opportunity to speak to others in English and soon you will feel right at home in informal conversational situations.
Keep your word; otherwise you'll end up losing face.
I dislike shopping every day but I must do so.
A man of sense would be ashamed to do so.
My father achieved that and more in four words, which made quoting Shakespeare as effective as any business adviser could wish.
She did it against her will.
She did so out of curiosity.
She did so for her own sake, not for your sake.
What made her do so?
What made her do that?
Why did she do that?
She had, I thought, no reason to do what she did.
Give her these roses, and she will be pleased.
Had she been a friend of mine, I would have advised her not to do that.
It was quite right of her to do that.
He himself did it.
If you treat him fairly, he will be fair with you.
They came in for a lot of criticism over doing that.
They have the right to do so.

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