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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [たくらむ]

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She denied having taken part in the scheme.
They are plotting to kill the king.
He schemed to evade tax.
He planned to murder his boss, but did not carry it out.
What is he up to?
I think he is planning something.
He is always up to no good.
The boys were whispering; I knew they were up to something.
I was not aware of the trick.
Who is behind the plot?
What was he up to then?
I know what your game is.
I know what you're scheming to do.
To my knowledge, he has not been involved in the fraud scheme.
To the best of my knowledge, he wasn't involved in that fraud scheme.
As far as I know, he wasn't involved in that fraud scheme.
I know what your game is.
I know what you're scheming to do.
You're planning something, aren't you?
What is she up to?

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