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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [つきたい]

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She is above telling a lie.
She is above telling a lie.
She can even tell lies!
She must have told a lie.
She was accused of telling a lie.
My belief is that she has never told a lie.
I believe that she has never told a lie.
She is down with influenza.
Don't believe her because she always lies.
While skating at the ice rink she fell on her rear.
She got home at seven.
She was across in thirty minutes.
She got to the other side in 30 minutes.
She should get to the school in an hour.
She was across in ten minutes.
She got to the other side in 10 minutes.
She said. "I arrived here yesterday."
She ought to have arrived by now.
She will be there by now.
Her story can't be true. She often tells lies.

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