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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [つきたい]

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She is incapable of deceit.
She felt something between love and hatred.
She cannot be relied on because she often tells lies.
She finally reached the hotel.
She's practicing English so she can get a better job.
She's practicing English so she can get a better job.
She ought to be at the office by now.
She got to the hotel late at night.
She didn't notice one of her buttons unfastened.
She handed me the basket and suggested I wait until I got home to open it, in case anyone was watching.
She is a very clever liar.
She has a very enviable position.
She eventually got into the bad habit of smoking.
She has got there just in time.
She sighed and clasped her hands tightly together.
It was not until she finished reading the book that she noticed who had written it.
She has consented to take the leadership of the party.
She was accused of having lied about the affair.
She arrived at the town last Monday.
She follows her brother wherever he goes.

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