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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [どこでも]

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I don't care where we eat dinner. It's entirely up to you.
She has been praised everywhere.
She follows her brother wherever he goes.
Her neighbors were such as you meet everywhere in this country.
I haven't seen them anywhere.
He begins to sketch no matter where he is.
His speeches were welcomed by large audiences all over the country.
My dog follows me wherever I go.
My dog follows me wherever I go.
When I was a child, I could sleep anywhere.
Money is welcome everywhere.
The dog had the liberty of the entire house.
Anywhere with a bed will do.
You can go anywhere you like.
You may go wherever you like.
Sit wherever you like.
You can sit at any place that you like.
You may go anywhere you like.
Put it wherever there is room.
Wherever you say.

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