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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [なし]

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The actor really played cowboy roles better than any other actor.
I got the pears for nothing.
I made a fuss of her family.
I gave him what little money I had with me.
I gave the poor boy what little money I had with me.
I can not do without this dictionary even for a single day.
My mother can't read without glasses.
With prices so high, I will do without a new suit this year.
Do not leave the lights on when you leave the room.
Please do not enter the room without knocking.
The girl wanted to monopolize her father's affection and tended to view her mother as a competitor.
My father cannot go without coffee even for a day.
Poor men have no leisure.
Would you like ice?
Lay up for a rainy day.
Being very clever and gentle, this dog is a good companion to me.
I can't conceive of living without him.
She did without necessities to pay for her daughter's lessons.
She is a perfect dream.
She has spoiled her work by being careless.

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