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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ひとり]

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The old man lived there by himself.
The old person was living there by himself/herself.
In my social studies class, for example, there are often discussions that include the teacher as another member of the group.
Although her parents had said no for a long time, they finally let her go to Europe alone.
My parents objected to my going there alone.
My parents are away on a trip and I'm alone in our house.
In the absence of my travel partner, I took several solo trips.
Single with bath, right?
The point is that she doesn't do homework for herself.
Yoko found it impossible to live alone any longer.
Yumi went there by herself.
Yumi is one of my friends.
She was taken care of by one of her friends.
I cannot relax if one of my friends is anxious.
Step off the train all alone at dawn.
I think it dangerous walking alone at night.
I think it's dangerous to walk alone at night.
You must not insist on going out alone so late at night.
There was not a man but had tears in his eyes.
The light went out by itself.

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