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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [やさしくない]

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She spoke with a soft voice.
She said in a gentle voice.
She has a tender heart.
She has a gentle heart.
She has a kind heart.
She's good to me you know.
She is beautiful, intelligent and, what is best of all, very kind-hearted.
Besides being beautiful, she is kind and intellectual.
Besides being beautiful, she is kind and intellectual.
She is not only beautiful but also kind to everybody.
She gave him a tender kiss.
She is gentle to animals.
She is beautiful, intelligent and, what is best of all, very kind-hearted.
She is gracious to everyone.
She caressed her baby lovingly.
She is kindhearted by nature.
She is more gentle than kind.
She has a gentle heart.
She has a tender heart.
She plainly interpreted Picasso's paintings to me.

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