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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [やさしくない]

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I spoke to him kindly so as not to frighten him.
They quarreled as to which was easier, French or German.
When they moved to the town, they found it easy to make friends.
He has a kind heart.
He has a kind expression.
He is kind rather than gentle.
He was as gentle a man as ever lived.
He gave her a fond look.
He is particularly kind to her.
He made a show of helping the old man.
As he grew older, he became gentler.
He seems rough, but at heart he is very gentle.
He used to be a gentleman.
He is gentle by nature.
He is more gentle than kind.
He is kind and gentle, and what is better still, honest.
He is kind at heart.
He had a gentleness that was attractive to women.
He was a kind master to his servants.
He was a good fellow at heart.

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