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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [よく]

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OK, you keep quiet while we're in the store.
If those little brats of sisters are good enough I'll make a gift of them to you!
I'd like to have a girl the first time. Look, they say 'First a girl, then a boy' don't they?
Ah, if you can dub it, can I ask for a copy as well?
"Nice person," that's the word girls used to call men to indicate that they aren't possible objects of romantic interest.
"Talking about 108, that's the number of worldly passions." "What worldly passions have you got then?" "I could say, but it'll get censored out."
There are a lot of people who say, "it says this in Koujien," and use that dictionary as the only grounds for their argument.
"If it's a light workout, OK." "Right, so will we allow crotch-kicking and eyeball crushing?"
"Do I really have that good a personality?" "Impossible. After all, there's this time as well, but in middle school you sold off girl's pants all over to bring in the money."
"It is when you overcome that, that a boy becomes something-something" "If you're trying to say something important sounding keep talking right to the end!"
"Here ... the sound of the cicadas is different." "Oh my, I'm impressed you noticed. You've got a good sense of pitch!"
"Just pay up already, I'm saying." "Hand over the money, Yo!"
"That's the new head of the student council?" "Cool, isn't he?" "Rather, pretty boy?"
"Ah, a raw egg for me!" "Is one enough?" "Yep, if I need more I'll top it up."
A good craftsman takes pride in his work.
There are so many things to tell you that I don't know where to start.
May I speak to you?
Kazuko really takes after her sister.
His old age is beginning to affect his eyesight.
It is wrong to make fun of an old man.

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