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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出来ましょう]

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They must be educated enough so that they will make a wise choice.
They failed to get any definite information.
I don't think they can behave themselves at the party.
They failed to fulfill the conditions.
They can sense the approach of cold weather.
He boasts that he can speak six languages.
As he often tells lies, he is not to be relied on.
We can't trust him because he often tells lies.
He is able to subordinate passion to reason.
He can come.
He can play baseball.
He cannot see the matter from my point of view.
He found the evidence that bees can communicate with each other.
He wanted to make the most of his chance to learn.
He couldn't make good a promise between his father.
He couldn't fulfill a promise he had made to his father.
He did all he could to win her favor.
He was not able to join in the discussion.
He is ready for an earthquake.
He is by far the best student.

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