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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出来ましょう]

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He ran too fast for me to keep up with him.
He is not so stupid as to be unable to tell right from wrong.
He can't swim.
He cannot swim.
He can swim well.
He's good at swimming.
He can't even read, let alone write.
He tried to keep dry as best he could.
He tried his best not to get wet.
He played the game as best he could.
He could not carry out his plan.
He was able to pass the exam.
He failed to come up to our expectations.
He can speak English much more fluently than I can.
He cannot see the matter from my point of view.
He cannot see the matter from my point of view.
He put me in touch with the kidnappers.
He could not find what I had hidden.
He did what he could for his children.
He has more money than he can spend.

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