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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [座り]

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The young man had been sitting in the drawing room alone with the girl for a long time and it was getting late.
He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed.
We sat down and hashed out all the details until we reached an agreement.
We sat in the nose-bleed-section and could barely see the game.
On the wall there was a big picture of Sir Anthony at the piano.
My father sat reading the evening paper.
My father sat deep in meditation with his eyes closed.
My father and mother were sitting under a tree.
A beautiful woman was seated one row in front of me.
A beautiful girl sat next to me.
She was sitting there with her eyes closed.
She sat there silently with tears in her eyes.
She was sitting under a tree.
She kept walking about the room. She seemed too uneasy to sit still.
She slid into the seat next to him.
She asked him to sit down.
She asked him to sit down.
She sat just behind the seats for whites, and then refused to give up her seat to a white passenger who got on the bus after her.
She sat surround by her grandchildren.
She sat down and crossed her legs.

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