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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [座り]

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They sat under a tree.
They sat side by side.
They sat according to age.
They sit on the ground or on blankets made of the wool of the llama or alpaca.
They were sitting on the sofa in our living room.
They are looking for chairs to sit on.
They sat on a park bench and began talking.
They sat on a bench in the park.
They sat the bench, looking at the moon.
They are sitting as if charmed by the music.
The group was seated in the back of the restaurant.
They sat around the table to play cards.
They sat around the table playing cards.
They sat down by the fire.
They sat still as if they were charmed by the music.
They remained sitting there.
They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly.
To see them sitting together, you'd take them for twins.
He sat there with his arms folded.
He was sitting with his arms across his chest.

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