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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [折れる]

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Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me.
He didn't intend to let her drive but she pestered him so much that he finally gave in.
One more thing. If you try anything on Mayu I'll break your spine.
I knew I'd broken my wrist the moment I fell.
The fall from the horse resulted in a broken leg.
Don't break the branches.
I cannot resist eating pudding.
It was real hard work.
I took no little pains to help him out of the difficulty.
Mother went to a lot of trouble to prepare dinner for our guests.
Father went to a lot of trouble to prepare dinner for our guests.
Unfortunately, he got his leg broken in the accident.
She fell down and broke her left leg.
She folded colored paper into a paper crane.
She directed her efforts at learning to speak English.
She directed her efforts at learning to speak English.
She would not give in to her husband.
Her classmates folded three hundred and fifty-six cranes so that one thousand were buried with her.
They'll give in to us some day.
It's no use pleading because they'll never give in.

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