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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [明治]

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I think there are probably few Japanese who know this side of the Emperor Meiji, the side that left a song like this.
Kamui no Ken was a sort of samurai/ninja story set during the transition of the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the re-establishment of Japan under the Emperor Meiji in 1868.
It was the third year of Meiji when their family name was changed to Saga.
Meiji was beaten by Keio by a score of three to five.
He began his lecture with the Meiji Restoration.
Our School was founded in the 20th year of Meiji.
The law was enacted in the Meiji era.
The setting of the story is Japan in the late Meiji period.
I've always thought that rickshaws and sukiyaki were the most successful amongst the products made from what was imported from the West during the Meiji period.
This school was created in the Meiji era.

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