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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [止めさせた]

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If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn.
Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable!
Stop criticizing me!
Quickly stop the flow of milk, leave to stand for approximately 30 minutes for the milk to solidify.
Don't slobber over my face! A-ha-ha-ha. Stop it!
"Yes, the bisque-doll-like Erika" "Th-that expression is a little embarrassing, could you stop using it?"
The leak needs to be stopped immediately.
My telephone service was cut off because of unpaid bills.
My telephone service was cut off because of unpaid bills.
He told me that the trip was off.
The lady and her dog that were entering at the gate were stopped by the gatekeeper.
Turn off the alarm.
When my alarm clock goes off, I always stop it in my sleep.
Suddenly, my feet stopped.
Mother noted that my feet were not clean.
My mother noticed that my feet weren't clean.
My father gave up smoking.
It's hard for my father to give up drinking.
I gave it up after my father had given me a good scolding.
She could not keep her daughter from going out.

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