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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [止める]

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You had better give up smoking for your health.
You should give up drinking and smoking.
You should give up smoking and drinking.
I'll keep your problems in mind.
From the look of the sky I'm afraid the rain won't let up for a while.
The burglar was traced by one of the things he had left on the scene.
Suddenly Jim pulled up the car in front of the bank.
I gave up smoking and I feel like a new man.
Only by prohibiting nuclear weapons altogether can we stop the arms race.
We should keep every school open and every teacher in his job.
To our great surprise, she held her breath for three minutes.
Stop clinging to your glory days, or you'll be left behind.
As soon as our manager got off our backs, everything started to go off without a hitch.
Salt helps stop food from perishing.
Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.
Stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened.
You should give up smoking.
You'd better break off smoking.
You should quit smoking.
A lot of bicycles are illegally parked in front of the station.

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