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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [知りたい]

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I don't know her name, but I do know her by sight.
I only know him by name.
It may not be a dream.
Strange to say, she knows the fact very well.
There is no knowing what will happen in the future.
If by any chance he comes here, I'll let you know at once.
If I should be suddenly spoken to in English, I might run away.
Should you change your mind, let me know.
If you should change your mind, let me know.
If you change your mind, let me know.
If you change your mind, let us know.
If you should find any mistakes, please let me know at once.
If anything bad should come about, let me know.
Should anything happen to you, let us know at once.
Should he know the fact, he would be astonished.
If he should come here, I will let you know at once.
If you should change your mind, let me know.
If you change your mind, let me know.
If you change your mind, let us know.
Do you know how many people starve to death in the world annually?

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